суббота, 3 декабря 2016 г.

Months of the Year

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The table below shows the months of the year used in English-speaking countries and many other parts of the world. The list shows the order of the months, starting from January (month 1).
The abbreviations or short forms shown are the most common, but other abbreviations are possible, for example: Ja./Fe./Ma. or J./F./M.
The days column shows the number of days in the month. All months have 30 or 31 days, except for February which has 28 days (29 in a leap year).
Every fourth year, the month of February has 29 days instead of 28. This year is called a "leap year" and the 29th day of February is a "leap day". A leap year has 366 days instead of the usual 365. Most years that can be cleanly divided by four are leap years. 2016, 2020 and 2024, for example, are leap years.
 monthshort formdaysseason
The seasons are approximate and depend on latitude. Some parts of the world have only three seasons. The seasons shown here are for the North Temperate Zone (for example North America). In the southern hemisphere, the seasons are reversed.

How to Describe Someone In English

How to Describe a Person's Physical Appearance
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New words for you!

Talking about our physical health we always mention our body! So recommened you to learn by heart words on the topic "MY BODY"! It's easy if you'll try! I also want to share videos for you, as well. Remember - studying is fun! 
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Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "MY BODY"Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "MY BODY"Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "MY BODY"


Hi, my dear friends! 
It's high time for you to recall/learn prepositions! Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "prepositions"

Exercices for kids on the FAMILY topic!

It's time to remember family members with my exercises! Wish you luck 

Interactive games for kids on *SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY* topic!

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Enjoy fun science games for kids while learning more about science and technology. There's a range of free online activities to try with something for everyone whether you're interested in animals, plants, chemistry, biology, physics, space, magnets, electricity, forces, light, sounds, gases or other science related topics. Put yourself to the test by trying to complete as many of the interactive challenges as you can, the games start off easy but will be fully testing your technology skills and understanding of the science behind the game in no time.

Have fun learning online with these cool science games. It's free and easy to use so just scroll down the page, find a game you like the look of and give it a go!

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Holidasy & Travelling - quizzes, games, worksheets

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Such a great site with a lot of neccessary and useful information, which are printable btw! HOLIDAYS&TRAVELLING

The benefits of a bilingual brain

It’s obvious that knowing more than one language can make certain things easier — like traveling or watching movies without subtitles. But are there other advantages to having a bilingual (or multilingual) brain? Mia Nacamulli details the three types of bilingual brains and shows how knowing more than one language keeps your brain healthy, complex and actively engaged. 

50+1 online courses for learning English

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Інтернет пропонує стільки захопливих можливостей для вивчення англійської мови! Підвищуй рівень, покращуй знання з певної теми чи просто хоча б почни її вивчати – у нашій добірці ти знайдеш курси для будь-якої з цих цілей.
Internet offers such a great variety of possibilities for studying English! Increse your level, improve your knowledge or just start to learn it! In   this  list you'll find courses for any of these reasons!


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What are the greatest British novels ever written? In search of a collective critical assessment, BBC Culture contributor Jane Ciabattari polled 82 book critics, from Australia to Zimbabwe, Beirut to Seoul – but not the UK. They asked each to name the 10 greatest British novels ever published, with their top pick receiving 10 points in the tabulation. This list includes no nonfiction, no plays, no narrative or epic poems (no Paradise Lost or Beowulf), no short story collections (no Morte D’Arthur) – novels only, by British authors (no James Joyce). Here  are the top 25.
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How to motivate yourself as an English language learner?

 The question: “How to motivate yourself as an English language learner?” might sound a bit silly.

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But based on my experiences in a lot of cases it can be an obligation made either by the learner, school or workplace, which can often end in a kind of unmotivated state of mind for those who would like to spend their free time with another activity.
So if you do not feel like learning English but you have to, this short article might put you in the proper mood.
English has rapidly gained the title for one of the most commonly spoken languages in the world in the recent years of globalization.
There might be other popular languages spoken by millions, but English has been, is and is going to be the bridge between different cultures and the key factor of the communication in the world of work.
Is there anything else more motivating than training yourself to be a highly-valued workforce because of your language skills?
The English language will open doors to the learner in a figurative sense, as it is spoken and learned more and more people in every minute so whenever you travel, speaking it will provide you the biggest chance to get to know new people, building fresh relationships or to get out of a difficult or unexpected situation.
You are already English language learner but can’t find any motivational challenge in text or grammar books?
You should take into consideration that it is always a way too easier to learn about something that you are interested in and by learning an English language you easily get that opportunity.
What I mean is that you can search for any topics you would like to know more about in English, either using the Internet or other resources to widen your knowledge in a given field.
It might be nerve-wrecking at first, but sooner than later you will realize that it is much easier to learn new vocabulary or phrases this way than any other.
Gaining a successful experience in speech is a crucial part of motivating yourself. If you feel you don’t speak enough during your English language classes you can always ask the teacher to put you into some more real-life situations.
You can also use any type of social media to chat or to communicate with friends in English nevertheless chatting through the web will never substitute for actual conversations.
And last but not least I have recently discovered the advantages of audio books.
As these are usually read by actors who are highly trained in pronunciation and intonation. Listening to some of your favorite books in English will not only develop your vocabulary, but your understanding of the language as well.
(I should add that I consider this as a much more useful method to develop your skills than e.g. watching movies in English, as in this case you are not driven away by the fast-moving and colorful images and you are forced to concentrate merely on the language itself.)
Still not motivated enough? Perhaps you can share some more other tips with me. Tell a story when you could motivate yourself or somebody else to start or continue learning English.

What about travelling? Benefits of travelling

Many scientific studies have discovered that traveling or taking a regular holiday is good for your health. However, do you know some of the other benefits of traveling?

Let's have a look for some of the most interesting statistics about the benefits of travelling!How many places have you traveled? What do you think the benefits are from traveling? Do you agree with everything mentioned here? Let me know by leaving your comment below!

10 interesting Youtube channels that will definitely hepl you to learn English

 Here you can find interesting and useful videos on different topic, news review, business English, performances etc. 

Useful channel for your perfect pronunciation

Lessons of pronunciation, grammar and a lot of interesting stuff to improve your business English!

If grammar is your weak point, this channel is for you! Boring rules are explained in a funny and easy way. 

This channel is useful for beginners. Very easy and simple lessons.

Learn English with a help of your favourite series!

   The aim of this channel is learning English with the help of news reviews.

Lessons form Ukrainian girl, who lives in Canada. Many useful resources.


The channel of rules of the language and pronunciation.

Channel for little learners.

!FANTASTIC BEASTS! new words learning

Afilm franchise is like a shark: it must keep moving forward or die. Now that the goldmine of Harry Potter has been largely exhausted after eight phenomenally successful films, the baton has been picked up by Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Fantastic Beasts is not simply a new outpost of the Harry Potter empire, it is a key plank in the extension of a “universe” that has given itself considerable elbow room with its retooled brand-name, The Wizarding World of JK Rowling. Encompassing films, books, videogames, websites and theme-parks, the Wizarding World is one of the most valuable brands in the entertainment industry. Hope you enjoy this video and find it useful for learning new vocabulary.

вторник, 29 ноября 2016 г.

E-books as a form of ICT

Electronic books sound like a futuristic phenomenon or something from a sci-fi movie. 
The thought itself may even seem intimidating to those who still consider themselves to be computer illiterate. But the fact is, that E-books are creeping their way into our society and life, and how the public reacts to this technology may determine the future of written literature. It is not surprising therefore, that a great amount of attention, both positive and negative, has been placed around these books and what the technology could accomplish. My opinion is that E-books will slowly infiltrate society, eventually replacing much of the printed text as we begin to rely on the electronic medium for our literature and information.

ICTs in English

Continuing the topic about ICT, I found some interesting articles and want to share them with you guys. Hope you enjoy and will find information interesting!                                                 
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ICT in the English Classroom

What are ICTs ?

Here you have some advantages of using the ICT:)

What are ICTs?
The Board of Studies in its cross-curriculum content requirements has embedded ICT into the English syllabus as follows:
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) content in English enables students to develop and apply skills, knowledge and understanding of ICT in their composing, responding and presenting, and as part of the imaginative and critical thinking they undertake in English. The ICT content has been incorporated into the content of this syllabus to ensure that all students have the opportunity to become competent, discriminating and creative users of ICT and are better able to demonstrate the syllabus outcomes of English through the effective use of ICT.
Skills include:
  • importing images and graphics into folders and documents
  • formatting documents
  • desktop publishing using graphics in a multimedia presentation or webpage, evaluating appropriate layout and design principles for a specific audience.
The use of ICT in the English classroom extends beyond its motivational value to address key outcomes of the syllabus, and allow students to become competent users as well as consumers in English.
Research suggests that incorporating ICT into the English curriculum can:
  • improve writing and reading skills
  • develop speaking and listening skills
  • support collaboration, creativity, independent learning and reflection (Becta,2003a, Becta,2003b, VTC,2003) (cited in Becta 2005)
As an interactive and collaborative medium, ICT allows responding, composing, and publication to be easily shared and offers students the opportunity to explore the language of texts more creatively and develop as speakers, writers and readers for an ever widening range of purposes and audiences. ICT can enable students to:

  • access information and respond to a widening range of texts
  • organise and present information in a variety of forms
  • broaden the range of audiences for their work
  • compose a widening range of texts for a broad range of purposes
  • compose for real audiences. ICT can support them in their choice of genre for audience and purpose.
  • identify key characteristics and features of text
  • develop understanding of language and critical literacy (Becta,2006,ICT in the Curriculum)

воскресенье, 27 ноября 2016 г.

Podcast. McCartney Unplugged!

Hello, my dear friends! 
Today I want to share you the podcast on The Beatles topic! My favorite episode 74: McCartney Unplugged!

In 1991, Paul McCartney performed on MTV's Unplugged and released a very successful and unique album of the concert. In this episode, they discuss the recording of the concert, the setlist, go through the tracks, and wonder why Paul hasn't played concerts like this since.

You can download it for ios or android. Hope you’ll enjoy it, as much as I did. So, here you are:

McCartney Unplugged!
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How to create a podcast?

Hello, guys! Have a look at this video, maybe you want to create a podcast by yourself, it will be interesting to listen to you!

20 incredibly useful websites

I think you should know them if you’re a student.

  • Stack Exchange – a collection of question-and-answer communities. If you’ve got questions about chemistry, math, programming, or pretty much anything else, you’ll probably find an answer here.
  • Wolfram Alpha – a “computational knowledge engine”, this site can calculate basically any math problem and come up with data on all kinds of things (including all Pokemon data!)! Step-by-step solutions to math problems used to be free, but they cost money now. For a free (but less easy-to-use) solution, try SymPy Gamma.
  • StudentRate – a site that aggregates student deals and discounts on clothes, travel, textbooks, electronics, and lots of other things.
  • Sleepyti.me – uses the sciences of REM cycles to calculate the optimal time you should go to bed in order to feel well-rested, based on when you plan to wake up.
  • Habitica – formerly HabitRPG, this is my favorite tool for building habits and you probably know I’ve talked about it before. If you end up using it, check out the CIG guild – we’re up to around 1,500 members now!
  • Todoist – my task manager of choice. I like the clean design, organizational features, and the fact that all my tasks sync across multiple platforms. However, I will say that the bulk of my task management happens on paper/whiteboards these days. Todoist just functions as one of the quick capture components of my system.
  • Google Calendar – old and trusty. I’ve been using GCal since I was a freshman, and while it hasn’t changed a whole lot since then, it really doesn’t need to. It accessible in any browser, has great smartphone apps, and just works.
  • Dropbox – another app I’ve been using since my early college days, Dropbox keeps all your files synced, updated, and backed up across all your computers. Recently, their browser interface has gotten much better – you can now preview most file types right in the browser without having to download them.
  • Lynda – a huge library of video courses that can help you learn tons of skills, mainly centered around computing and media production. Lynda is particularly good for learning the ins and outs of computer software.
  • Mint – a tool that lets you view all your financial account in one place, track your spending, and set up budgets.
  • Rate My Professors – a site that allows students to write reviews of professors. I don’t take this site’s ratings as the golden truth, but it has steered me towards some great professors in the past.
  • Coggle – a cool little mindmapping (one of my favorite note-taking methods) tool that lives in your browser.
  • Your university website! – If you’re not familiar with it, get on it. Most university websites have course catalogues, schedule planners, financial aid information, scholarship listings, academic calendars, student job boards, and other useful things.
  • Written Kitten – potentially the greatest writing aid ever invented. Set a target word count, and whenever you hit it, you’ll get a new picture of a cat. What could be better? Note: There’s currently a bug that prevents pictures from showing when you set count to 100 words, so set it to at least 200.
  • Cheatography – a really cool site that collects cheat sheets that condense information on all kinds of topics. This could be helpful for building study guides.
  • Bibme – a tool that can help you automatically generate bibliographies and source citations. I like it better than similar tools because it lets you search for books and other sources; if it recognizes what you searched for, it can often auto-fill all the citation fields.
  • Ankiweb – the web component of Anki, my favorite spaced-repetition software. I kinda used Ankiweb as an excuse to put Anki on a list of websites, but it’s legit because it’ll let you study your flashcards in the browser. However, you do need to have Anki downloaded first.
  • Instructables – a site where people can post DIY project tutorials. I put my hanging desk and hanging loft bed projects on there, but you’ll find much more practical projects as well.
What are your favorite useful websites?


Hi, guys! Now I want to share with you tips for students! Being a student myself, I know how it difficult for us to concentrate on studying. It takes a lot of time and efforts to make our homework. Especially, it’s hard for us to wake up early in the morning in order to catch a bus in time. So, I hope that these pieces of advice and this video will help you and encourage you! Take your best shot!
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1.Don’t allow technology to make you unaware of your surroundings

Everyone with headphones, a smartphone and an MP3 player knows – the minute you’re plugged in, you barely exist anymore! You stare at your phone, zoned out; not knowing what is going on around you. This, in essence, is exactly what you should be avoiding.
When you start to find yourself becoming unaware of what’s going on around you is the time you need to consider turning the music down, putting your phone away and opening your eyes to what’s happening.
The key to getting out of a potentially dangerous situation is to recognize it as such. This is nearly impossible if you aren’t even aware of the situations you’re walking into.
2.Never walk alone at night
Walking around alone and in the dark is basically asking for trouble. Sure, there are times that you need to get from point A to point B which may occur at night, but you should always abide by the buddy system so that, should something happen, you’re not on your own.
3.Utilize locks
While it’s easy to become relaxed in college life, there are some habits that should always remain standard. Locking your doors, especially when you’re alone or asleep, should be one of them.
Aside from allowing yourself to be vulnerable, it’s also much easier for theft to take place if you’re essentially providing easier access to burglars.
4.Carry some emergency cash
It’s good to have some cash on you at all times, just in case. Perhaps your credit card won’t work or your debit card gets lost. You never want to be stuck in a scary situation because you don’t have the necessary funds to get out of it as quickly as possible.
5.Locate the emergency system areas on campus
Most campuses have emergency call buttons or phones scattered throughout campus for students to utilize in the event of an emergency. Find out what your campuses system is and locate the areas in which the systems are placed. Should you ever find yourself in trouble, it will be much easier if you know where you can call for help.
6.Know your way around campus
In addition to paying attention to your surroundings; you should know your surroundings as well.
Take time to become familiar with campus landmarks and streets so that you are able to navigate your way around – or out of an area, should you need to.
7.Never stay at a party when your friend leaves
No, you don’t need to call it an early night just because one of your friends does. But, what you should do is ensure you always have a minimum of one person with you that you know (and know you can trust).
Being alone in a party setting isn’t smart – go home if you’re going to be alone because it is not worth the risk to stay – no matter how nice everyone there seems.
8.Avoid becoming inebriated and losing control
If you’re getting to the point that you don’t have control of yourself or your surroundings, you need to stop and think about the types of situations you’re putting yourself in.
It’s far too easy for others to take advantage of you or a situation if you can’t think or act rationally.
9.Always have emergency contacts on you or in your device
If you have a smartphone, program emergency numbers into it. It’s one of the first spots hospitals check if you’re admitted alone because they are able to bypass your pass code in order to access your contacts.
Additionally, list your important emergency contact numbers and information in your planner, if you carry one. Whatever items you have on a regular basis are good spots to keep emergency information.
10.Consider carrying pepper spray, a whistle or taking a self-defense course
The hope is certainly that you’d never need to make use of these defense mechanisms, however, having them with you can make a life-saving difference in harmful situations you otherwise might not be able to get out of.